Sunday, December 5, 2010

Word art

In class, we've been focusing and working on word art. Word art is when you draw a picture that contains creative, hidden words that explains the picture and must be noun and not so obvious. 
My word art is hats. Instead of drawing, we are doing collages. I cut out a hat rack and some hats. The h is in the straw hat, the a is a winter hat, the t is the design on a cap and the s is in the lady hats disguised as a greece pattern.
Here are some examples of word art.
Feel Joy - Abstract Word Art Painting

Thursday, November 18, 2010


In class, we had a cool assignment and great oppurtunity to design something we like in the real world. I decided to do the iSkin for the iPhone. I did funky design whcih were red and black puzzle pieces and in the middle was a musical note.

My iSkin is mostly repetition because the the whole skin is mainly puzzle pieces everywhere, repeating itself. I guess I could say it is simplified too because there's nothing to complicated about it, it's just a nice, simple shape with various colours.

I used HURBE because everything tied together and was harmonious. There weren't too many colours that didn't match and the shapes were nicely aligned and not all over the place. I also used emphasis, because in the middle all of sudden is a shape that doesnt blend in with the background, so the middle is the focal point. 

This is my music video from camp rock that represents my jingle. Near the end, at 2:10 and 2:45 Joe says "You're the missing piece" which is my jingle because there are puzzle pieces in my iSkin design. Enjoy!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

My Tesseletion

Green- physical response

This is my tesselation i made with simple steps. I took one small piece of paper and folded it into four sections. I designed a pattern that would soon tesselate. I traced it on the lightbox to make the whole paper into one pattern dessign. Later, I took seven more small papers and traced the pattern on it. I coloured the same shapes the same colour. After that I put all seven pieces together to make tesseletions. A skill I learned is how to trace easily over a lightbox because I usually just trace over the paper which is harder because I can't see the lines clearly. But with the lightbox, tracing has never been easier. I also learned the technique of tesselating.  It's actually simpler than it looks!